Can't believe it is already holiday season!! This fall went by in a nanosecond!! It seems like just yesterday that the Occupy Wall Streeters were camping out and drumming up a storm in Zuccotti Park across from our apartment, and now its just a quiet concrete rectangle with holiday trees and an abnormal amount of police protection. . .
I started a new job in September at the NYC iSchool in Soho. Smaller than my old school, with more personal attention for the students, more creative scheduling of classes, and more technology in the classroom. So far, so good, but I had many more students and more new lessons to prepare, therefore, lots of work!! Matt's company has been keeping him busy too, but he has "no comment" on any business matters at this time! :)
Trevor too has been feeling the pinch. In 7th grade, he added two more teachers and classes to his schedule and is dealing with more homework than last year at M.A.T. He was on the varsity soccer team and is playing JV basketball now.
William is enjoying his new 7th grade homeroom and his advanced math class. He is also learning a lot of Spanish, so we are hoping to get to a nice Spanish-speaking country in the next year or two -- Argentina, anyone? He is still doing tennis lessons once a week, and he had lots of homework last year, so this year is just more of the same in that regard. He did manage to start his own blog --
Both boys are doing a Saturday basketball clinic, have been doing a "Math Circle" at NYU and just started Junior League Team Tennis up in the Bronx on Saturdays too. So our Saturdays are packed, but Matt and I discovered the most awesome Arthur Avenue restaurant so we enjoy a good meal with Yamini while the boys play tennis.
Yamini has some fun stuff going on this year too. Her new favorite after-school activity is fabric and textile arts, she is doing a very creative classical and modern dance class on Saturdays, and she is now a Brownie Girl Scout!! So yes, we ARE selling cookies - e-mail me if you want some Samoas or Thin Mints!!

Had fun on Thanksgiving weekend celebrating Pop Pop Leonard's 70th with family and we are looking forward to getting away with Matt's parents to San Diego for Christmas and New Year's! Legoland, here we come. . .
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